Category: fashion

  • My new journey and adventures ðŸ˜Š

    When I first started this blog it was to help me with my weight loss, and then gain, then loss and everything in the middle. LOL!! (Y’all know how it is…lol..don’t leave me on this roller-coaster alone!!) Now I just want to share ME and all I go through…with my health, my emotions, my likes!…

  • What I’ve been up too….hmmmm

    What have I been up to?! Hmmmmm nothing!! Absolutely nothing!! The new medication I’m on makes me exhausted all the time… I’ve had a few adjustments and now maybe…just maybe I can be a real girl again & live!!! I have to be honest with myself and the other 2 peeps that read this I…

  • Busting out of the comfort zone

    Hey all, I’ve decided to broaden my horizons on my journey. Losing weight has slowly started to bring me back to things I used to love but lost because of the weight…. I’ve always loved fashion, heels, jewelry, make up and all things pretty lol :). Unfortunately, when you start to gain weight you start…