Tag: Diabetes

  • Introducing a new chapter – The Fantastic Four

    It was my plan to start blogging again this year so I did all this research and bought all these courses to help me get started again….. I wanted to share my adventures in this world as a woman in her forties who loves makeup and fashion and how despite my health problems I still…

  • What’s been up with me…..And you?

    Wow, I haven’t even posted at all this year…..lol.. Just joking……I hope you all enjoyed and had a good time with your friends and families this past holiday season. I don’t celebrate because I’m a JW but I did enjoy my family being home and hanging out. I haven’t posted in awhile because I’m lazy…

  • My new journey and adventures ðŸ˜Š

    When I first started this blog it was to help me with my weight loss, and then gain, then loss and everything in the middle. LOL!! (Y’all know how it is…lol..don’t leave me on this roller-coaster alone!!) Now I just want to share ME and all I go through…with my health, my emotions, my likes!…

  • Got some news about my Diabetes

    Hello all I got some great news today…I don’t need to be on insulin anymore!!!! Whoo hoooo…me and my wonderful nurse practically did the happy dance over the phone! As I told you guys I had actually forgotten about my diabetes I wasn’t kidding…I haven’t even checked my blood or did my insulin in over…

  • Hmmm how did I forget my diabetes?

    Soo I’m really a bone head…I seriously forgot about my diabetes & taking care of it. (I know how the heck do you forget a disease like that??). How did I remember….my feet! Since I’ve been being a good girl and working out……..well who are we kidding y’all know its from my working it the…