Got some news about my Diabetes

Hello all I got some great news today…I don’t need to be on insulin anymore!!!! Whoo hoooo…me and my wonderful nurse practically did the happy dance over the phone! As I told you guys I had actually forgotten about my diabetes I wasn’t kidding…I haven’t even checked my blood or did my insulin in over 2 months….I decided I was going to change my attitude about food.

One thing that really helped me was the fact that I became a vegan 8 months ago but I was still eating poorly as a vegan..too many carbs!! I did lose 14 pounds on my own before I joined Med Fit, but I realized (and talked to my doctor about it) if I could get the weight off quick that would really help my diabetes.

I just want to let anyone know if your dealing with your weight or diabetes, you can get through this…it’s like one of my favorite passages:

And this too, shall pass

You have to decide for yourself to put you first…it’s ok. As parents we always want to take care of our kids first or our spouse, maybe even our parents…but now it’s time to take a look at the person in the mirror and make them a priority.

My first suggestion is for you to go see your doctor, find out what your A1C is and then ask for all the information you can get…I know at Kaiser you can attend classes, web help, pamphlets and you get your own diabetes team and you have wonderful nurses like mine named Rebekah (she is so understanding & encouraging).

And we circle back around to what we all need; support. Don’t worry, you CAN do it! Nothing should hold us back from being the best we can be!! Set some goals, maybe small, like no soda, or l will walk 3xs a week for 30 minutes. Whatever it is let’s start striving to reach some goals. I’ll start with mine & you can do the same or make your own…and since I know my doctor is going to ask me tomorrow anyway I might as well have them lined up lol.

1. I will exercise at least 3xs this week but the goal is for 5.
2. I will take 15 minutes a day and just reflect, meditate, or journal.
3. I will lose 2 pounds this week. (Hopefully more but let’s just see lol)

(Got this great idea from another blogger named No fries for 365, his name is Jason & he’s awesome check out his blog)

In closing I want to say in total I’ve lost 23lbs, soo if I get the next 2 and make it to 25…I’ll share some pics of me…lol. I may even tell you my weight. So anyway & as always 1-1,000 pounds, we can do it!!




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4 responses to “Got some news about my Diabetes”

  1. Darnell Mallard Avatar
    Darnell Mallard

    Way to go baby. And you are right, you help yourself first. When on a plane they tell you to put YOUR oxygen mask on first and then you can be in a position to assist others. Same principal applies is life.

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. adivasjourney Avatar

      Aww thanks babe!! I love you!

  2. now at home mom Avatar

    Congrats! you don’t need insulin anymore! 🙂

    1. adivasjourney Avatar

      Thanks sooo much!!

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